What is Life Coaching?

If your inner heart had a wee curtain and you could actually peek inside of it, what would you find?  How would it beat for your people, your children, your husband, your “job”? What is your Purpose? How do you envision the worth of your life in this season? Are you living out your best heart-hopes?

God has created us to live in His abundant truth, to “taste and see” his goodness and the breath-taking beauty of the grace He has offered to us. His beauty is glorious and it is full of everyday promise! 

Sister, do you see it?

I love to walk with women who are ready to look behind their heart-curtain, who long to live more fully in the beauty and joy that the Lord has won for them in Christ.

YOU have so much to give this world, to your family, your friends, your church, and you already have everything you need because he has provided it! I can help you see the stories in your head that may be holding you back from the glorious life you were meant to live.

Our life stories are so often tangled up in the weeds of repetitive thought cycles that do not serve us or reflect God’s powerful promises to us.

But honestly, they can just be hard to see. Just beyond those thought-weeds, is a wide open green pasture of joy! (Psalm 23). I can help you cut through those weeds and help you see if the stories you're currently living by are reflective of your highest heart-hopes.

In Romans 12:2 Paul exhorts believers to be “transformed by the renewal of your minds.” 

This renewal is accomplished through the Holy Spirit BY the practice of our minds being transformed by the Word of God.